Iber model

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Iber 3.2.0

Published: 17/10/2022

Dear Users,

New version of Iber 3.2.0 has been released!

Donwload for free here!!!

What’s new in v3.2.0:

  • Several options and automated processes added and interface optimization for a more user-friendly experience (land uses import by *.tif, new time series writing time option, enable/disable option for Habitat module, k-epsilon windows synthetized, Manning multiplier).
  • Soil erosion module parallelized.
  • New way to calculate internal conditions. User can define the upstream and downstream points to calculate the head loss.
  • New infiltration method based on depth-infiltration relations.

Bugs report and improvement:
  • Habitat module. Bug when writing substrate solved.
  • General. Bug when solving the internal condition of weir solved.
  • General. Creation of 1st time series of atmospheric vars. Table optimized.
  • Sediment transport. Particular bug when calculating the bed load transport.
  • General. Particular bug when assigning bridge upper and lower deck elevation for constant slope deck.