Iber model

Wednesday, October 23, 2024     [ login ]

Research lines

Iber Team is permanently working in new applications of 2D-SWE models, to solve increasingly complex problems and to give avant-garde solutions for public Administrations and private companies (have a look to Collaborations site).

For this reason, the Iber model is in continuous development, open to improvements and new implementations.

Research fields

Different disciplines are involved in the development of Iber: 

  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrology
  • Limnology
  • Chemistry
  • Geology
  • Meteorology
  • Natural Hazards
  • Big Data


At the present, the priority lines for the model development are:

  • Improvements in the hydrological processess
  • Incorporation of different pollutants and substances (IberWQ)
  • Transport of sediment mixtures
  • River habitat modelling (hydrobiological methods and  eco-hydrualics)
  • Effect of vegetation roughness effects on the hydrodynamics
  • New hydraulic structures (culverts, pressurized flow, etc.)
  • Obstructions in flows
  • Urban drainage
  • Eulerian-Lagrangian framework to simulate particle transport
  • Code paralelization using GPU computing

Free/pressurized flow (pipes and roofs)

River habitat

Hydrological & Hydraulic modelling

Urban Drainage

Soil erosion modelling

GPU paralelization

Large wood transport in rivers

No-Newtonian flows (snow-avalanche)